Monday 14 November 2011

New Blog Cultural Voice!

Hi Family,

I've launched a new blog called Cultural Voice

Its really aimed at intercultural dialogue through Arts and Culture.....check it out :)

Let me know your views on issues and things you'd like to see on the blog.

Much Love


Sunday 15 May 2011

Grandma 'Beautiful' - Georgia

'Beautiful' is how Georgia sums up Grandma's life and legacy.

Georgia, wanting to avoid an emotional scene, finally gives in a shares. She tells us that Grandma has never done or said anything to her to make her sad.

Georgia, a Seventh Day Adventist, tells the story of one day when she was little, Grandma cooked pork, and Georgia decided to taste 'one little piece' thinking at the time that it was beef. She remembers it as "soo sweet", when she asked Grandma what it was Grandma said "its pork man, eat it, it's sweet,..."

Georgia remembers Grandma as a beef fan, "she always cooked beef." "She cooked it with a lot of gravy and seasoning."

Georgia remembers that at Zane (her son)'s bitrh Grandma was extrememly happy she prayed a lot for him. At this time in the talk, Winsome adds that Grandma would list the names of all her children, grandchildren, cousins and great-grand children in her daily prayers.
As a teenager Grandma told Georgia, a lot of love stories, which she describes as "the best soap operas,"

Grandma was apparantly a romantic at heart, and with her there was always some mystery to unveil. In Georgia's eyes, saddened today as she grieves Grandma's passing there is strength, and a spirit of love.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Memories - Mynion reflecting on Grandma's life "a testimony"

Mynion describes Grandma Ignota's life as a testimony, with lots of trials, which she overcame gracefully. One of her earliest memories is of Grandma taking the big country bus from Kingston to St Mary to look for the family. Mynion remembers talk of 'Ms. Etty'. She remembers being really happy to see her grandma, and sad when she had to leave. She wouldn't stay for long spurts.

Mynion eagerly anticipated upcoming trips to Kingston to spend holiday's with Grandma. She tells the story of one day when she stole away in her daddy's car hidding in the space on the floor of the backseat of her dad's Chevy, when she thought she was safely away from Oracabessa,  and almost in Kingston she surprised dad, "Daddy!" she exclaimed. Daddy shocked, and annoyed, carried her right back to Oracabessa.

Steve and Mynion often got to travel to grandma at the same time. They would go to see the floats, and to visit hope gardens, during the summer.

Mynion thought deeply about Grandma's testimony, reminding  me how she never let anything bother her really. She described her as unassuming, but extrememly strong and with a wealth of knowledge. She admired the way she expressed herself, a great resource for advice on life. She always offered her take on life and spoke from a point of experience. Sound advice, realistic, and true to life....

Mynion told me that when she started out on her career path as a nurse, Grandma was very encouraging, and she told her " You are to be careful of the more senior nurses, as one said "she nah feed no young bud to pick out her yeye",

Other gems that Grandma left with her that have lived with her ever since are:-

"Always have a bag packed..."

"Always know where your matches are,"

Mynion smiles sweetly as she thinks of Grandma, and I can tell that Grandma still lives through her today...

Sunday 24 April 2011

Uncle Leslie Visits Grandma on Good Friday

Miss Chicky, "the only girl" otherwise known as "notey" had many visitors on Good Friday including Uncle Leslie who was seeing "notey" for the first time in decades....

Pauline, Winsome, Uncle Leslie, Issac, Genivieve

Saturday 23 April 2011

Plants from Ignota's Garden

In the Crook of the Poor Man's Orchid, is a Wild Tree Orchid ...a sucker from V Town


Spathophyllum - Peace Lily
Easter Lily

Monday 18 April 2011

Meeting Uncle Leslie...

Uncle Leslie, now 92 years old, grew up in Race Course, Oracabessa, on land just adjacent to Mamie, and Mama's..(all known as the 'Campbell Land')...Ignota, Clement, Morty and Brenti, all went to Oracabessa High with Leslie, and he remembers many good times...he was a bit younger...but still close enough in age to share in their great adventures...though life took them in different directions...they are undeniably family, evident in build, speech, facial features, longevity...and many subtle and not so subtle ways...

As we explore the adventure of the Spanish Jar, we uncover the beauty of the textured clay which make us all who we are today...

Winsome (Ignota's last born) and Leslie (Ignota's Cousin) still going very strong at 92 years old sharing a friendly embrace as the two immediately recognised the family connection...beyond a doubt family!

 Clarke knew Miss Chickie and  John Minott quite well...he remembers Miss Chickie as "the only girl of the four", and as "the quiet one", he says this with a smile on his face...and repeats.."the quiet one"

Leslie Clarke served as Acting Corporal in the early days, and he was a member of the Executive Federation of the Police. He eventually served as Superintendent. Leslie is 1st in line from the right (standing).

Meeting Uncle Leslie, fist reaction ... wow he has Grandma's eyes!

Uncle Leslie shows us pictures and artifacts from his life.....helping us piece together our puzzle...all adding to the history of the Spanish Jar....
For many years our cousin has been so close, and we had no clue..the meeting came out of Jackie  (Ignota's 3rd born) conversation with George (Ignota's 1st born). George has been intouch with Leslie Clarke for many years...almost every year in March, Uncle Leslie and his family make the trip to 'race course' to eat black crabs. There's more to come in Meeting Uncle Leslie Part 2... stay tuned..

Sunday 17 April 2011

View from Port Maria...

On my way in from Ochi this morning, I stopped in Port Maria to check on the Ignota's home, which she purchased when she was only 26 (or so oral hisroty has it)....all a part of our beautiful story...there is someone called fire 'taking care' of it now, and the view is still spectacular! It's truly a treasure....i'm sure there are many lifetimes of stories here and I'd love to hear some....leave your account of this piece of history which lives on today....

I took the opportunity to take a closer look....